It's a bitter/sweet day...
Beckett and Memphis are moving into their new house!
It's close to us which makes my feet dance, and I am soooo excited for them, and all the new adventures ahead... but I won't say a tear drop doesn't fall every time I think about not seeing their cuteness every day when I come home for lunch, and after work and eating with them and praying with them before they go to sleep.
Meet Jeffrey. He's Beckett's friend, has been there for him since birth,
and he is very loved!
So loved his head and foot went flat, from giving up his fuzz to comfort his friend in times of need.
Fuzz, it's a friend too!
As a last ditch effort to make sure he knew how much Memaw loves him... I negotiated a deal to fix up Jeffery for his new bedroom.
So before he knew what he was getting into, he agreed to help me!
After not too much effort at all, and lots of help from his little fingers to get some new fuzz back into those tiny holes; and then stitched up any stretched out holes... he was looking like his old self again (with a little dirt and grime he picked up along the way... hey baby steps).
"Memaw I so happy"
"Oh B, I'm so happy too!"
Oh my love, I could cry he didn't just steal my heart, he melts my heart!!!!