Monday, December 30, 2013

Design... Shmine....

Well design and layout of the blog is sucking lots of time away from me... while I LOVE doing it and making all the tweaks and adjustments, I will work really hard to balance myself and not stop life or blogging to get it just right.


  1. Thanks for doing this Beth. I love keeping in touch this way. Sometimes we just need a little place and not so much glitz. Take your time. We love that you blog and keep us in touch. I should start mine again. Seemed like no one was interested. Oh, well. We can count it as our journal that we're suppose to be keeping. Love ya, Mom D

    1. Thanks Mom... I found people were very interested even if they don't leave comments. They would come look and the way it connects can be priceless... so keep yours up too!! Hugs!!!
